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A Call to Mastery

Are you ready to be a Spiritual Master? Is your soul longing to be the Divine Essence you truly are? A Call to Mastery is a journey of devotion that will open your heart and transform your mind. I offersclear, concise guidance as I gently leadsyou to the recognition of your own spiritual powers and the joys of everyday ascension. A Call to Mastery is a gateway to spiritual greatness and a practical guide to living it. This fascinating book offers easy processes and techniques to achieve a masterful state of peace, power and presence.

Praise for A Call to Mastery



Rapid Eye Technology: Changing Lives in the Blink of an Eye!

~Paula K. Bronte, MRET


Blink! Blink! Blink!


What if you could blink away your problems? What would life be like if you could release unwanted stress, trauma, thoughts, feelings and behaviors in the blink of an eye?

Life would be different, wouldn’t it?

Dr. Ranae Johnson, founder of the Rapid Eye Institute, might have been asking herself those very questions nearly 27 years ago. Her quest to help bring her autistic son into joy and balance led Dr. Johnson to one of the greatest holistic healing models available today.

Rapid Eye Technology changes lives. It heals families. It creates success. And it unveils spiritual power. At the heart of Rapid Eye Technology is the sense of the sacred – an awareness that each person is in essence a perfect spiritual being.

Here’s how RET works:


RET is an alternative form of energy therapy releasing stress, trauma and unwanted patterns, and replacing them with a positive state of wholeness. RET is similar to the brain activity we experience during the dream state when rapid eye movement causes a natural discharge of emotional memory.

However, with RET you are fully awake, conscious and able to choose what is being released. The certified technician uses an eye directing device, rapid eye movement in the NLP modalities, verbal scripting, imagery work, chakra clearing, energy realignment, life skills and various body learning techniques to bring you into a natural state of healing.

To further examine this technique we must look closer at brain activity. There are countless numbers of tiny “highways” in the brain known as neural pathways. These are grooves that have been formed in the brain by repeated thought activity related to a specific subject. We seldom realize when a neural pathway is being accessed and fired. For instance, the tying of your shoe is stored in its own neural pathway. Every time you tie your shoe that “highway” opens up. The result is a tied shoe. Did you have to think about it? No, the action was automatic.

Now let’s go from our shoes to our lives. When we find ourselves caught in behavior patterns that cause unwanted problems we are triggering a neural pathway and automatically responding to the traffic moving on that ‘highway’. For instance, all feelings of being trapped are stored on one highway, one neural pathway. The first vehicle to drive on that road may have been when you were 6 years old and your big brother locked you in the closet for fun. Or when you were being born and you got stuck in the birth canal. Forever after, any experiences that even remotely made you feel trapped were filed in that neural pathway. How often do we hear people complaining about being trapped in a marriage, relationship, job or business? Once that neural pathway has its first traumatic deposit, that groove continues to become deeper and more filled with traffic. It doesn’t take long before it becomes rush hour in your brain!

RET empties the neural pathways of the information that has accumulated. Therefore, repetitious patterns that you have not been able to successfully control simply disappear. The traffic is cleared from the ‘highway’ and it can no longer cause you to perpetuate unwanted events, relationships, circumstances or behaviors.

Once the neural pathways are cleared the RET practitioner assists you in reloading them with new, positive information that will result in new, positive and different behavior patterns. A heightened sense of self-esteem, greater spiritual awareness and an overall sense of peace and well-being become the new way of life. This is done through various RET techniques as well as through teaching what is called Skills for Life.

Rapid Eye Technology is often mistaken for EMDR. While EMDR is an effective tool it differs from RET in several ways. One of the differences is that EMDR often requires the client to relive the trauma during session. RET does not. The powerful and quick release and reframe experienced with RET happens without having to relive the trauma. Also EMDR incorporates 2-5 moves or techniques, RET employs over 26 different techniques.

One of those 26 techniques is called IRT (Immediate Release Technique). IRT is a simple combination of sequential tapping on various acupressure points combined with eye movement that can be used by the client between sessions to alleviate emotional imbalances that may occur. This Immediate Release Technique is taught to individual clients as well as through workshops and seminars.

IRT also includes the use of an eye patch to manage stress through temporarily disengaging one hemisphere of the brain and then the other. The IRT portion of Rapid Eye Technology is essentially a self care program for those who wish to strengthen their energy management skills.

A Practical Self-Care Tool: Eye Patching

Eye Patching is an easy, inexpensive way to manage your emotional and energetic state. First put the eye patch on one eye for 5 to 15 minutes, then the other eye. Keep both eyes open during this process. Notice which patched eye makes you feel the best – which one makes you feel the most relaxed and comfortable. That will be the eye you will be patching whenever any issue arises that causes emotional upset or stress. For instance, you may be having a phone call with an ex-spouse that could be confrontational. A few minutes prior to and during the call put the eye patch on the eye you have found to be the most comfortable. You will be more relaxed and less reactive during the conversation. A confrontation is much less likely to occur while eye patching. The principle behind the success of the eye patching technique is that it quiets the left brain and enhances the right brain. The left brain will argue and debate, the right brain will keep you centered and loving. Eye Patch anytime you feel upset about any issue. You will literally ‘see’ things differently! NOTE: Please so not use a patch while driving or using a knife.

For more information on eye patching, other self care tools and more information on RET, see


           Diane Cocker

I enjoyed sharing Paula Bronte’s journey in A Call to Mastery, Living the Art of Ascension. The most sacred experience in Life is the expansion of one’s Light.  May Paula’s honest and selfless sharing of her experiences and knowledge be found by those who desire to expand their Light, search to expand their Light and find guidance to a path that resonates with their level of consciousness. A Call to Mastery will make you want to better yourself and your life and therefore raise your world and the world.

           Susan Schlossor, LMT

Paula’s style of writing is dynamic and engaging, instantly conveying a message of endless possibilities. I feel hopeful and nourished by her reassuring words that mastery on all levels is obtainable in this lifetime.

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